Developer Documentation

Build exciting new shopping experiences

4Players can help you bring new shopping experiences to your customers by offering real-time services and communication

Merge online and offline shopping experiences

Provide customer support directly from your shop by bringing voice and real-time data together. Get notified whenever someone visits your online-shop and provide support and guidance.

Use your devices’ camera to highlight product details that are not easily identifiable in a selected web images.

Online Shopping made simple

Shop operators

Shop operators run our customizable web-based ODIN client software to interact with online customers.

The software runs in every browser either on your own domain or a domain provided by us. You can simply connect your own authentication system.


Integrate our customizable open-source web client directly into your shopping website. Customer click a button and shop operators will be notified in real-time to start a conversation.

Shop operators can share their camera feed to highlight products in the show and can use text-chat to provide vouchers or any other text-information.

Virtual product experiences

Build applications that connect virtual reality experiences with your CRM. Your employees leverage the tools they know and love while your customers can experience the finished product at home using their VR/AR glasses.

Leverage our 20 years of gaming experience

Gamers are a very sensitive community in terms of voice quality and low latency services. Our technology has been in production in gaming communities for decades - we know exactly what is required for best-in-class real-time collaboration software!

Easy and fast development

We provide easy to use SDKs for Swift and web technologies (native Android support coming soon).

Exceptional performance

Our operations team is optimizing a global server network for low-latency and best-in-class performance for more than 20 years.

Flexible solutions

All our services are cross-platform. Connect people on the web with native mobile or desktop apps.

Security and GDPR

Our services are fully GDPR-compliant and can operate without any persistent authorization or can be integrated into existing authentication-systems you already have/use.

Made for developers

In just a few lines of code you can implement real-time voice chat into your applications and websites!

Send messages and data to all or selected users

Use the SendMessage function available in all our SDKs to send messages to all or selected clients connected to the same room.

Our SDK is very flexible, lets you design your own protocol very easily, and fits into your existing data structures without converting back and forth all the time.

As messages are just a series of bytes in our ecosystem, text-messages can also contain binary data like images.

import { OdinClient } from '@4players/odin';
import { TokenGenerator } from "@4players/odin-tokens";

// Prepare the token to connect
const generator = new TokenGenerator(apiKey);
const token = generator.createToken("My Room", "John Doe");
const odinRoom = await OdinClient.initRoom(token);

// Handle events for new peers joining the room
odinRoom.addEventListener('MessageReceived', (event) => {
    console.log(`Received message ${event.payload.messsage}`);

// Connect the room
await odinRoom.join();

// Send a message to other clients
const data = {
    sender: "John Doe",
    senderId: "abcdef123456",
    message: "Hello world!"
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
await odinRoom.sendMessage(encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(data)));

Keep user-data in sync automatically

In all our SDKs, every peer connected to our servers with the JoinRoom function has a userData property that can be used to store arbitrary data. This can be anything, from a binary stream, to JSON, whatever makes sense to you.

Our servers make sure that the data is kept in sync for all clients. Whenever the data changes, all clients get notified automatically. A dating app, for example, can store the current GPS location of a user while syncing it in real-time with their mate so they can meet easily in crowded places.

The SDKs automatically optimize bandwidth usage by only sending and processing bytes that have been changed. Just update the users data as often as you like and use the update function to update it on the servers. The callback PeerUserDataChanged gets the whole user data. There is no requirement on your side to process that data.

import { OdinClient } from '@4players/odin';
import { TokenGenerator } from "@4players/odin-tokens";

// Prepare the token to connect
const generator = new TokenGenerator(apiKey);
const token = generator.createToken("My Room", "John Doe");
const odinRoom = await OdinClient.initRoom(token);

// Handle events for new peers joining the room
odinRoom.addEventListener('PeerUserDataChanged', (event) => {
    console.log(`Peer data updated ${}`);

// Connect the room
await odinRoom.join();

// Send a message to other clients
const data = {
    location: {
        longitude: CurrentLocation.longitude,
        latitude: CurrentLocation.latitude
const encoder = new TextEncoder(); = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(data));
await odinRoom.ownPeer.update();

Keep shared data in sync automatically

In all our SDKs, every room has a UserData property that can be used to store arbitrary data for that room. This can be anything, from a binary stream, to JSON, whatever makes sense to you.

Our servers make sure, that the data is kept in sync for all clients. Whenever the data changes, all clients get notified automatically. A dating app, storing document data and syncing in real-time is easy to implement.

The SDKs automatically optimize bandwidth usage by only sending and processing changed bytes. Just update the data as often as you like and use the Update function to update them on the servers. The callback RoomUserDataChanged returns the whole data.

import { OdinClient } from '@4players/odin';
import { TokenGenerator } from "@4players/odin-tokens";

// Prepare the token to connect
const generator = new TokenGenerator(apiKey);
const token = generator.createToken("My Room", "John Doe");
const odinRoom = await OdinClient.initRoom(token);

// Handle events for new peers joining the room
odinRoom.addEventListener('UserDataChanged', (event) => {
    // Update the chat

// Connect the room
await odinRoom.join();

// Send a message to other clients
const data = {
    messages: []

const onSendButtonPressed = async function(message: Message) {
    const encoder = new TextEncoder(); = encoder.encode(JSON.stringify(data));
    await odinRoom.update();