Developer Documentation

Send Message

Send Message

Sends arbitrary data to a list of target peers to an ODIN room. Every peer connected to the same room will be able to receive the message.


Use Bind to On Message Received node to receive messages sent from other peers.


RoomRoomThe room in which the message is sent.
TargetsArray of int64List of targeted peer ids. If not specified, the message will be sent to all other peers in the same room.
DataArray of byteMessage data can be anything. This enables you to easily exchange data between peers directly over the Odin server.
On ErrordelegateDelegate to handle errors when sending a message.
On SuccessdelegateCalled when the message has been successfully sent.


On ResponseexecCalled when the server has returned its response. Use the success value to check if the message has been successfully sent.
Successbooleantrue if the message has been successfully sent.