Developer Documentation


public class Room : IDisposable

Main Room


ConnectionRetryInt32The count of ConnectionState OdinRoomConnectionState retry for reconnects. Reset on Connected
ConfigRoomConfigRoom configuration
IsJoinedBooleantrue on successful Join or false
SelfPeerClient Peer
RemotePeersPeerCollectionConatiner of room peers
PlaybackMediasIEnumerable<MediaCollection>Get all medias of room peers
MicrophoneMediaMicrophoneStreamCurrent room microphone data route

Static Properties

ConnectionStateKeyValuePair<OdinRoomConnectionState,OdinRoomConnectionStateChangeReason>ConnectionState of the Room that is set by ODIN

Public Methods

GetRoomIdRetrieves the room ID (e.g. the name of the room)
GetRoomCustomerRetrieves the identifier of the customer the room
GetRoomPeerIdRetrieves your own peer ID
SetApmConfigSet rooms new Apm config
JoinJoin the room via Odin gateway
CreateMicrophoneMediaTry to add a MicrophoneMedia
UpdatePeerUserDataUpdates the user data for our own peer. The server will populate this data to all other visible peers in the same room.
UpdatePeerUserDataAsyncUpdates the user data for our own peer. The server will populate this data to all other visible peers in the same room.
UpdateRoomUserDataUpdates the user data for the current room.
UpdateRoomUserDataAsyncUpdates the user data for the current room.
SendMessageSends arbitrary data to a array of target peerIds.
SendMessageAsyncSends arbitrary data to a array of target peerIds.
BroadcastMessageSends arbitrary data to a all remote peers in this room.
BroadcastMessageAsyncSends arbitrary data to a all remote peers in this room.
GetRemotePeersIdsGet a copy of all PeerIds in this room
GetRemotePeersMediaStreamIdsAll ids of Media from remote peers in this room
SetMicrophoneMuteWill set the room MicrophoneMedia to mute
SetPositionScaleConfigures the allowed 'view' distance for proximity calculation of peers in the room
UpdatePositionUpdates the two-dimensional position of our own peer in the room
LeaveLeave a room and free all remote peers and associated medias
DisposeOn dispose will free the room and token generator