Developer Documentation


public MediaRemovedProxy OnMediaRemoved

Called on every Peer that closed/destroyed one of his own media in the same room(s)


Invokes before OnDeleteMediaObject

Value Type



Whenever a “user (in ODIN language it’s a peer) stops sending audio data (i.e. has deactivated the microphone) this event is triggered.

Your callback function must have this structure. MediaRemovedEventArgs contains information about the peer and the media removed from the room:

public void OnMediaRemoved(object sender, MediaRemovedEventArgs eventArgs);

You need to respond to this event and you need to remove the PlaybackComponent that you have attached to a game object before in the OnMediaAdded callback. You also need to remove the AudioSource from the Game Object which has been created by ODIN automatically.


OnMediaRemoved Example
using OdinNative.Odin;
using OdinNative.Odin.Room;
using OdinNative.Unity;
using OdinNative.Unity.Audio;
using UnityEngine;

public class MyOdinPeerManager : MonoBehaviour
    public void RemoveOdinPlaybackFromPlayer(PlayerScript player)
        // Remove the PlaybackComponent and the AudioSource
        PlaybackComponent playback = player.GetComponent<PlaybackComponent>();

        AudioSource audioSource = player.GetComponent<AudioSource>();

    public void OnMediaRemoved(object sender, MediaRemovedEventArgs eventArgs)
        // Called when the peer stops sending audio
        Room room = sender as Room;
        Debug.Log($"ODIN MEDIA REMOVED. Room: {room.Config.Name}, MediaId: {eventArgs.Media.Id}, UserData: {eventArgs.Peer.UserData.ToString()}");

        // Use the User Data to to map the ODIN peer to the player in the network
        CustomUserDataJsonFormat userData = CustomUserDataJsonFormat.FromUserData(eventArgs.Peer.UserData);
        PlayerScript player = GetPlayerForOdinPeer(userData);
        if (player)