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public class OdinClient : MarshalByRefObject, IDisposable

Client Wrapper for ODIN ffi OdinNative.Core.OdinLibrary.NativeMethods

Static Methods

CreateCreates a new initialized instance for ODIN ffi C# Wrapper
CreateAccessKeyCreate a example access key that can be registered on 4Players (see )
CreateTokenCreate a example token to join a room. For production use a token server!


RoomsA collection of all Room
EndPointConnection EndPoint. Default from OdinEditorConfig.
AccessKeyClient AccessKey for all new rooms. Default from OdinHandler config.

Public Methods

GenerateTokenCreate a example token to join a room. For production use a token server!
CreateRoomCreate a room for the set gateway.
JoinRoomCreate and join a Room
JoinJoin a object of base Room
CloseRoomClose a room by Id
FreeRoomClose and remove a room by Id
BroadcastSendMessageSend a message to all rooms with the default encoding UTF8
CloseRoomsCompletely closes all Room associated.
FreeRoomsFree all Room associated.
DisposeOn dispose will free all NativeMethods