Developer Documentation



Version 1.1.0 is deprecated and will be removed in the future and is not being supported for new users. Please update to the latest version as soon as possible.

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public class PlaybackComponent : MonoBehaviour

Handles the Playback for received ODIN audio data.



PlaybackSourceAudioSourceThe Unity AudioSource component for playback
MuteBooleanThe Unity AudioSource mute property
MuteStreamBooleanThe Odin PlaybackStream underlying media stream calls
RoomNameStringRoom name for this playback. Change this value to change the PlaybackStream by Rooms from the Client.
PeerIdUInt64Peer id for this playback. Change this value to change the PlaybackStream by RemotePeers in the Room.
MediaStreamIdInt64Media id for this playback. Change this value to pick a PlaybackStream by media id from peers Medias.
AutoDestroyAudioSourceBooleanOn true destroy the PlaybackSource in dispose to not leak (AudioSource) or false for manually manage sources
AutoDestroyMediaStreamBooleanOn true destroy the Media in dispose to not leak or false for manually manage stream
OverrideSampleRateBooleanUse set RemoteSampleRate on false
SampleRateMediaSampleRateThe playback Core
