Version 1.1.0 is deprecated and will be removed in the future and is not being supported for new users. Please update to the latest version as soon as possible.
public class OdinEditorConfig : MonoBehaviour, IOdinApmConfig
UnityEditor UI component for instance config of Odin
Name | Type | Description |
Verbose | Boolean | Enable additional Logs |
VerboseDebug | Boolean | Enable additional Logs |
AccessKey | String | Odin Client ApiKey |
ClientId | String | Odin Client ID |
Server | String | Gateway |
UserDataText | String | Default UserData content |
DeviceSampleRate | MediaSampleRate | Microphone Sample-Rate |
DeviceChannels | MediaChannels | Microphone Channels |
RemoteSampleRate | MediaSampleRate | Playback Sample-Rate |
RemoteChannels | MediaChannels | Playback Channels |
PeerJoinedEvent | Boolean | |
PeerLeftEvent | Boolean | |
PeerUpdatedEvent | Boolean | |
MediaAddedEvent | Boolean | |
MediaRemovedEvent | Boolean | |
RoomUpdatedEvent | Boolean | |
MediaActiveStateChangedEvent | Boolean | |
MessageReceivedEvent | Boolean | |
TokenLifetime | UInt64 | Time untill the token expires |
VoiceActivityDetection | Boolean | Turns VAD on and off |
VoiceActivityDetectionAttackProbability | Single | Setup engage of VAD |
VoiceActivityDetectionReleaseProbability | Single | Setup disengage of VAD |
VolumeGate | Boolean | Turns volume gate on and off |
VolumeGateAttackLoudness | Single | Setup engage of volume gate |
VolumeGateReleaseLoudness | Single | Setup disengage of volume gate |
EchoCanceller | Boolean | Turns Echo cancellation on and off |
HighPassFilter | Boolean | Reduces lower frequencies of the input (Automatic game control) |
PreAmplifier | Boolean | Amplifies the audio input |
NoiseSuppressionLevel | OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel | Turns noise suppression on and off |
TransientSuppressor | Boolean | Filters high amplitude noices |
Public Methods
Name | Description |
GenerateUIAccessKey |