Developer Documentation


This is the core client API implemented in Rust and exported to native C libraries. These libraries are the building blocks for our high level SDKs like Unity SDK or Unreal SDK.

Please check out our public Github repository for more information, source-code and a cool CLI application to play around with ODIN right from your command line.


Quick Start

The following code snippet illustrates how to join a designated room on a specified server using a room token acquired externally:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "odin.h"

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])

    OdinRoomHandle room = odin_room_create();
    odin_room_join(room, "<SERVER_URL>", "<TOKEN>");


    return 0;


To enter a room, an authentication token is requisite. ODIN employs the creation of signed JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to ensure a secure authentication pathway. These tokens encapsulate the details of the room(s) you wish to join alongside a customizable identifier for the user, which can be leveraged to reference an existing record within your specific service.

char token[512];

OdinTokenGenerator *generator = odin_token_generator_create("<ACCESS_KEY>");

odin_token_generator_create_token_ex(generator, "<ROOM_ID>", "<USER_ID>", token, sizeof(token));

As ODIN is fully user agnostic, 4Players GmbH does not store any of this information on its servers.

Tokens are signed employing an Ed25519 key pair derived from your distinctive access key. Think of an access key as a singular, unique authentication credential, crucial for generating room tokens to access the ODIN server network. It essentially combines the roles of a username and password into a singular, unobtrusive string of characters, necessitating a comparable degree of protection. For bolstered security, it is strongly recommended to refrain from incorporating an access key in your client-side code. We’ve created a very basic Node.js server here, to showcase how to issue ODIN tokens to your client apps without exposing your access key.

Event Handling

The ODIN API operates on an event-driven paradigm. In order to manage events, it’s necessary to create a callback function in the following manner:

void handle_odin_event(OdinRoomHandle room, const OdinEvent *event, void *data)
   switch (event->tag)
      case OdinEvent_RoomConnectionStateChanged:
         // Triggered when the room's connectivity state transitions
      case OdinEvent_Joined:
         // Triggered post successful room entry, rendering the initial state fully accessible
      case OdinEvent_RoomUserDataChanged:
         // Triggered when the room's arbitrary user data changed
      case OdinEvent_PeerJoined:
         // Triggered when a new user enters the room
      case OdinEvent_PeerLeft:
         // Triggered when a user exits the room
      case OdinEvent_PeerUserDataChanged:
         // Triggered when a peers's arbitrary user data changed
      case OdinEvent_MediaAdded:
         // Triggered when a peer introduces a media stream into the room
      case OdinEvent_MediaRemoved:
         // Triggered when a peer withdraws a media stream from the room
      case OdinEvent_MediaActiveStateChanged:
         // Triggered on change of media stream activity (e.g. user started/stopped talking)
      case OdinEvent_MessageReceived:
         // Triggered upon receipt of a message containing arbitrary data from a peer
         // Optionally handle unexpected events

To register your callback function as an handler for ODIN events for a room, use the following command:

odin_room_set_event_callback(room, handle_odin_event, NULL);

Media Streams

Each peer within an ODIN room has the capability to attach media streams for the transmission of voice data. The snippet below illustrates the procedure to establish a new input media stream:

OdinAudioStreamConfig config = {
    .sample_rate = 48000,
    .channel_count = 1,

OdinMediaStreamHandle stream = odin_audio_stream_create(config);

odin_room_add_media(room, stream);

For the handling of audio data through input/output media streams, employ the odin_audio_push_data and odin_audio_read_data functions. These functions enable the conveyance of audio data from your local microphone to your audio engine, and the playback of audio data received from other peers, respectively. For a comprehensive working example, refer to our Console Client example, which employs the miniaudio library for cross-platform audio capture and playback.

Audio Processing

Each ODIN room handle is equipped with a dedicated Audio Processing Module (APM) responsible for executing a spectrum of audio filters including, but not limited to, echo cancellation, noise suppression, and sophisticated voice activity detection. This module is designed to accommodate on-the-fly adjustments, empowering you to fine-tune audio settings in real time to suit evolving conditions. The snippet below demonstrates how you might alter the APM settings:

OdinApmConfig apm_config = {
    .voice_activity_detection = true,
    .voice_activity_detection_attack_probability = 0.9,
    .voice_activity_detection_release_probability = 0.8,
    .volume_gate = false,
    .volume_gate_attack_loudness = -30,
    .volume_gate_release_loudness = -40,
    .echo_canceller = true,
    .high_pass_filter = false,
    .pre_amplifier = false,
    .noise_suppression_level = OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel_Moderate,
    .transient_suppressor = false,
    .gain_controller = true,

odin_room_configure_apm(room, apm_config);

The ODIN APM provides the following features:

Voice Activity Detection (VAD)

When enabled, ODIN will analyze the audio input signal using smart voice detection algorithm to determine the presence of speech. You can define both the probability required to start and stop transmitting.

Input Volume Gate

When enabled, the volume gate will measure the volume of the input audio signal, thus deciding when a user is speaking loud enough to transmit voice data. You can define both the root mean square power (dBFS) for when the gate should engage and disengage.

Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC)

When enabled the echo canceller will try to subtract echoes, reverberation, and unwanted added sounds from the audio input signal. Note, that you need to process the reverse audio stream, also known as the loopback data to be used in the ODIN echo canceller.

Noise Suppression

When enbabled, the noise suppressor will remove distracting background noise from the input audio signal. You can control the aggressiveness of the suppression. Increasing the level will reduce the noise level at the expense of a higher speech distortion.

High-Pass Filter (HPF)

When enabled, the high-pass filter will remove low-frequency content from the input audio signal, thus making it sound cleaner and more focused.


When enabled, the preamplifier will boost the signal of sensitive microphones by taking really weak audio signals and making them louder.

Transient Suppression

When enabled, the transient suppressor will try to detect and attenuate keyboard clicks.

Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

When enabled, the gain controller will bring the input audio signal to an appropriate range when it’s either too loud or too quiet.

User Data

Each peer within a room is associated with a unique user data represented as a byte array (uint8_t *). This data is synchronized automatically across all peers, facilitating the storage of bespoke information for every individual peer. Peers have the autonomy to modify their respective user data at any juncture, inclusive of before room entry to set an initial user data value.

char *user_data = "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}";

odin_room_update_peer_user_data(room, (uint8_t *)user_data, strlen(user_data));


ODIN allows you to send arbitrary to every other peer in the room or even individual targets. Just like user data, a message is a byte array (uint8_t *).

Note: Messages are always sent to all targets in the room, even when they moved out of proximity using setPosition.

struct MyMessage msg = {
   .foo = 1,
   .bar = 2,

odin_room_send_message(room, NULL, 0, (uint8_t *)&msg, sizeof(msg));
C-API Header
/* Copyright (c) 4Players GmbH. All rights reserved. */

#pragma once

/** @file */

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define ODIN_VERSION "1.6.4"

 * Known types of a media stream.
 * Note: Video streams are not supported yet.
typedef enum OdinMediaStreamType {
     * Media stream is of type audio
     * Media stream is of type video
     * Media stream is invalid
} OdinMediaStreamType;

 * Valid levels for aggressiveness of the noise suppression. A higher level will reduce the noise
 * level at the expense of a higher speech distortion.
typedef enum OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel {
     * Noise suppression is disabled
     * Use low suppression (6 dB)
     * Use moderate suppression (12 dB)
     * Use high suppression (18 dB)
     * Use very high suppression (21 dB)
} OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel;

 * All valid connection states for an ODIN room.
typedef enum OdinRoomConnectionState {
     * Connection is being established
     * Connection is established
     * Connection is being closed
     * Connection is closed
} OdinRoomConnectionState;

 * Possible reasons for connection state changes of an ODIN room.
typedef enum OdinRoomConnectionStateChangeReason {
     * Connection state change was initiated by the user
     * Connection state change was initiated by the server (e.g. peer was kicked)
     * Connection state change was caused by a timeout
} OdinRoomConnectionStateChangeReason;

 * Valid audiences for ODIN room tokens.
typedef enum OdinTokenAudience {
     * JWT has no audience
     * JWT is accepted the ODIN gateway
     * JWT is accepted by the ODIN server
} OdinTokenAudience;

 * A pointer to a local ODIN token generator, employed for generating signed room tokens predicated
 * on an access key. Be aware that access keys serve as your unique authentication keys, requisite
 * for generating room tokens to access the ODIN server network. To ensure your security, it's
 * strongly recommended that you _NEVER_ embed an access key within your client code, and instead
 * generate room tokens on a server.
typedef struct OdinTokenGenerator OdinTokenGenerator;

 * A numeric code returned by ODIN function calls. Use `odin_is_error` to determine whether the
 * code represents an error or an actual result value.
 * Note: Use `odin_error_format` to get a human readable string to represent error codes.
typedef uint32_t OdinReturnCode;

 * Audio stream configuration.
typedef struct OdinAudioStreamConfig {
     * The number of samples per second in hertz (between 8000 and 192000)
    uint32_t sample_rate;
     * The number of channels for the new audio stream (between 1 and 2)
    uint8_t channel_count;
} OdinAudioStreamConfig;

 * Internal handle identifier for an ODIN room to interact with.
typedef size_t OdinRoomHandle;

 * Internal handle identifier for an ODIN audio/video stream used to send/receive data.
typedef size_t OdinMediaStreamHandle;

 * All the different events emitted from an ODIN room.
typedef enum OdinEventTag {
     * Emitted after joining once initial room information was processed
     * Emitted when other peers joined the room
     * Emitted when other peers left the room
     * Emitted when other peers updated their user data
     * Emitted when other peers started a media stream
     * Emitted when other peers stopped a media stream
     * Emitted whenever data is sent/received over any known media
     * Emitted when other peers changed the global user data of the room itself
     * Emitted when the internal room connection state of the ODIN client changed
     * Emitted when others peers sent arbitrary data
} OdinEventTag;

typedef struct OdinEvent_JoinedData {
     * Name of the joined room (null-terminated)
    const char *room_id;
     * Length of the room name
    size_t room_id_len;
     * Byte array with arbitrary user data of the room
    const uint8_t *room_user_data;
     * Length of the room user data array
    size_t room_user_data_len;
     * Identifier of the customer the room is assigned to (nul-terminated)
    const char *customer;
     * Length of the customer identifier
    size_t customer_len;
     * Own peer ID assigned by the server
    uint64_t own_peer_id;
     * Own user identifier of the peer specified during authentication (null-terminated)
    const char *own_user_id;
     * Length of the own user identifier
    size_t own_user_id_len;
} OdinEvent_JoinedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_PeerJoinedData {
     * ID of the peer
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Byte array with arbitrary user data of the peer
    const uint8_t *peer_user_data;
     * Length of the room user data array
    size_t peer_user_data_len;
     * User identifier of the peer specified during authentication (null-terminated)
    const char *user_id;
     * Length of the user identifier
    size_t user_id_len;
} OdinEvent_PeerJoinedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_PeerLeftData {
     * ID of the peer
    uint64_t peer_id;
} OdinEvent_PeerLeftData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_PeerUserDataChangedData {
     * ID of the peer
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Byte array with arbitrary user data of the peer
    const uint8_t *peer_user_data;
     * Length of the room user data array
    size_t peer_user_data_len;
} OdinEvent_PeerUserDataChangedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_MediaAddedData {
     * ID of the peer this media belongs to
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Handle identifier of the new audio/video stream
    OdinMediaStreamHandle media_handle;
} OdinEvent_MediaAddedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_MediaRemovedData {
     * ID of the peer this media belongs to
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Handle identifier of the audio/video stream
    OdinMediaStreamHandle media_handle;
} OdinEvent_MediaRemovedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_MediaActiveStateChangedData {
     * ID of the peer this media belongs to
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Handle identifier of the audio/video stream
    OdinMediaStreamHandle media_handle;
     * Indicator for whether or not the media is sending/receiving data
    bool active;
} OdinEvent_MediaActiveStateChangedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_RoomUserDataChangedData {
     * Byte array with arbitrary user data of the room
    const uint8_t *room_user_data;
     * Length of the room user data array
    size_t room_user_data_len;
} OdinEvent_RoomUserDataChangedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_RoomConnectionStateChangedData {
     * Status of the room connection
    enum OdinRoomConnectionState state;
     * Reason for this update
    enum OdinRoomConnectionStateChangeReason reason;
} OdinEvent_RoomConnectionStateChangedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent_MessageReceivedData {
     * ID of the peer who sent this message
    uint64_t peer_id;
     * Byte array with arbitrary data received
    const uint8_t *data;
     * Length of the data array
    size_t data_len;
} OdinEvent_MessageReceivedData;

typedef struct OdinEvent {
    OdinEventTag tag;
    union {
        OdinEvent_JoinedData joined;
        OdinEvent_PeerJoinedData peer_joined;
        OdinEvent_PeerLeftData peer_left;
        OdinEvent_PeerUserDataChangedData peer_user_data_changed;
        OdinEvent_MediaAddedData media_added;
        OdinEvent_MediaRemovedData media_removed;
        OdinEvent_MediaActiveStateChangedData media_active_state_changed;
        OdinEvent_RoomUserDataChangedData room_user_data_changed;
        OdinEvent_RoomConnectionStateChangedData room_connection_state_changed;
        OdinEvent_MessageReceivedData message_received;
} OdinEvent;

 * Statistics for the underlying connection of a room.
typedef struct OdinConnectionStats {
     * The amount of outgoing UDP datagrams observed
    uint64_t udp_tx_datagrams;
     * The amount of outgoing acknowledgement frames observed
    uint64_t udp_tx_acks;
     * The total amount of bytes which have been transferred inside outgoing UDP datagrams
    uint64_t udp_tx_bytes;
     * The amount of incoming UDP datagrams observed
    uint64_t udp_rx_datagrams;
     * The amount of incoming acknowledgement frames observed
    uint64_t udp_rx_acks;
     * The total amount of bytes which have been transferred inside incoming UDP datagrams
    uint64_t udp_rx_bytes;
     * Current congestion window of the connection
    uint64_t cwnd;
     * Congestion events on the connection
    uint64_t congestion_events;
     * Current best estimate of the connection latency (round-trip-time) in milliseconds
    float rtt;
} OdinConnectionStats;

 * Per-room configuration of the ODIN audio processing module which provides a variety of smart
 * enhancement algorithms.
typedef struct OdinApmConfig {
     * Enables or disables voice activity detection (VAD)
    bool voice_activity_detection;
     * Voice probability value when the VAD should engage
    float voice_activity_detection_attack_probability;
     * Voice probability value when the VAD should disengage
    float voice_activity_detection_release_probability;
     * Enables or disables the input volume gate
    bool volume_gate;
     * Root mean square power (dBFS) when the volume gate should engage
    float volume_gate_attack_loudness;
     * Root mean square power (dBFS) when the volume gate should disengage
    float volume_gate_release_loudness;
     * Enable or disable echo cancellation
    bool echo_canceller;
     * Enable or disable high pass filtering
    bool high_pass_filter;
     * Enable or disable the pre amplifier
    bool pre_amplifier;
     * Set the aggressiveness of the suppression
    enum OdinNoiseSuppressionLevel noise_suppression_level;
     * Enable or disable the transient suppressor
    bool transient_suppressor;
     * Enable or disable the gain controller
    bool gain_controller;
} OdinApmConfig;

 * Audio stream statistics.
typedef struct OdinAudioStreamStats {
     * The total number of packets seen by the medias jitter buffer.
    uint32_t packets_total;
     * The number of packets processed by the medias jitter buffer.
    uint32_t packets_processed;
     * The number of packets dropped because they seemed to arrive too early.
    uint32_t packets_arrived_too_early;
     * The number of packets dropped because they seemed to arrive too late.
    uint32_t packets_arrived_too_late;
     * The number of packets dropped due to a jitter buffer reset.
    uint32_t packets_dropped;
     * The number of packets marked as invalid.
    uint32_t packets_invalid;
     * The number of packets marked as duplicates.
    uint32_t packets_repeated;
     * The number of packets marked as lost during transmission.
    uint32_t packets_lost;
} OdinAudioStreamStats;

typedef size_t OdinResamplerHandle;

 * Options for ODIN room tokens.
typedef struct OdinTokenOptions {
     * Customer identifier (you should _NOT_ set this unless connecting directly to an ODIN server)
    const char *customer;
     * Audience of the token
    enum OdinTokenAudience audience;
     * Token lifetime in seconds
    uint64_t lifetime;
} OdinTokenOptions;

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif // __cplusplus

 * Formats an ODIN return code into a human readable string representation for use in logging and
 * diagnostics. If `buf` is `NULL` this functions simply returns the required buffer length to
 * store the output buffer.
size_t odin_error_format(OdinReturnCode error, char *buf, size_t buf_len);

 * Checks whether the code returned from ODIN function calls represents an error or an actual
 * result. This is used to easier work with certain functions that might return an error or a
 * valid result like `odin_audio_data_len`.
 * Internally this simply does `(code >> 29) > 0`.
bool odin_is_error(OdinReturnCode code);

 * Initializes the internal ODIN client runtime with optimized settings for audio output, ensuring
 * the correct API header file is employed. This operation is ref-counted, necessitating paired
 * invocations of startup and shutdown within your application. The majority of the API functions
 * hinge on an active ODIN runtime, with the sole exception of `access_key` and `token_generator`
 * related functions.
 * Note: Utilize `ODIN_VERSION` to supply the `version` argument.
bool odin_startup(const char *version);

 * Initializes the internal ODIN client runtime, permitting the specification of sample rate and
 * channel layout for audio output. This operation is ref-counted, necessitating paired invocations
 * of startup and shutdown within your application.
 * Note: Ensure consistent settings are used on successive invocations of this function.
bool odin_startup_ex(const char *version, struct OdinAudioStreamConfig output_config);

 * Shuts down the internal ODIN runtime. It is advisable to invoke this function prior to
 * terminating the application. Post invocation, all `odin_*` methods will cease to function
 * immediately, provided the internal ref-count has descended to zero. Refer to `odin_startup`
 * for additional details.
void odin_shutdown(void);

 * Creates a new ODIN room handle in an unconnected state and returns its handle identifier. This
 * will return `0` when the internal ODIN client runtime is not initialized using `odin_startup`
 * or has already been terminated using `odin_shutdown`.
OdinRoomHandle odin_room_create(void);

 * Closes the specified ODIN room handle, thus making our own peer leave the room on the server
 * and closing the connection if needed.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_close(OdinRoomHandle room);

 * Destroys the specified ODIN room handle.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_destroy(OdinRoomHandle room);

 * Sets the event callback on the the specified `OdinRoomHandle`. Generally this should be called
 * _once_ before joining a room.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_set_event_callback(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                            void (*callback)(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                                             const struct OdinEvent *event,
                                                             void *extra_data),
                                            void *extra_data);

 * Sets the scaling factor for coordinates supplied to `odin_room_update_position`, facilitating
 * adaptation to your game's unique coordinate system requirements. Peers are visible to each other
 * only within a unit circle of radius `1.0`. When altering a peer's position, ensure the position
 * is scaled such that the maximum distance remains one or less. This scaling can be performed
 * manually or by specifying the multiplicative scale here.
 * Note: It's crucial to maintain consistent scaling across all client applications.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_set_position_scale(OdinRoomHandle room, float scale);

 * Joins a room on an ODIN server. This function takes an URL to an ODIN gateway and a signed room
 * token obtained externally that authorizes the client to establish the connection. Unless you're
 * hosting your own servers, always use gateway running at ``.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_join(OdinRoomHandle room, const char *url, const char *token);

 * Retrieves the room ID (e.g. the name of the room) from the specified `OdinRoomHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_id(OdinRoomHandle room, char *out_id, size_t out_id_len);

 * Retrieves the identifier of the customer the room is assigned to from the specified `OdinRoomHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_customer(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                  char *out_customer,
                                  size_t out_customer_len);

 * Retrieves your own peer ID from the specified `OdinRoomHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_peer_id(OdinRoomHandle room, uint64_t *out_peer_id);

 * Retrieves statistics for the underlying connection of the specified `OdinRoomHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_connection_stats(OdinRoomHandle room, struct OdinConnectionStats *stats);

 * Updates the custom user data for your own peer. All user data is synced automatically, which
 * allows storing of arbitrary information for each individual peer.
 * Note: Use this before calling `odin_room_join` to set initial peer user data upon connect.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_update_peer_user_data(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                               const uint8_t *user_data,
                                               size_t user_data_length);

 * Updates the three-dimensional position of the current peer within the specified `OdinRoomHandle`.
 * The server utilizes the provided coordinates to perform automatic culling among peers in the same
 * room, based on unit circles with a radius of `1.0`. This feature is particularly beneficial in
 * scenarios involving a large number of peers within the same room, enabling peers to interact or
 * 'see' each other only when in close proximity. To modify the distance sensitivity for position
 * updates, use `odin_room_set_position_scale`.
 * Note: Use this before calling `odin_room_join` to set the initial peer position upon connect.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_update_position(OdinRoomHandle room, float x, float y, float z);

 * Sends arbitrary data to a list of target peers over the ODIN server. If `NULL` is specified, the
 * message will be sent to all other peers in the same room.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_send_message(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                      const uint64_t *peer_id_list,
                                      size_t peer_id_list_size,
                                      const uint8_t *data,
                                      size_t data_length);

 * Adds a specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle` to the room. Please note, that this can only be done
 * _once_ on a given media. Trying to do it more than once will return an error on subsequent calls
 * to this function.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_add_media(OdinRoomHandle room, OdinMediaStreamHandle media);

 * Configures the ODIN audio processing module on the room with the specified config.
OdinReturnCode odin_room_configure_apm(OdinRoomHandle room, struct OdinApmConfig config);

 * Creates a new audio input stream, which can be added to a room and send data over it.
OdinMediaStreamHandle odin_audio_stream_create(struct OdinAudioStreamConfig config);

 * Creates a new video input stream, which can be added to a room and send data over it.
 * Note: Video streams are not supported yet.
OdinMediaStreamHandle odin_video_stream_create(void);

 * Destroys the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`, after which you will no longer be able to
 * receive or send any data over it. If the media is currently 'attached' to a room it will be
 * removed.
OdinReturnCode odin_media_stream_destroy(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Retrieves the media ID of the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_media_stream_media_id(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream, uint16_t *out_media_id);

 * Retrieves the peer ID of the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_media_stream_peer_id(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream, uint64_t *out_peer_id);

 * Returns the type of the specified media stream.
 * Note: This function will always return `OdinMediaStreamType_Audio` at the moment.
enum OdinMediaStreamType odin_media_stream_type(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Instructs the server to pause the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`, ceasing the reception of
 * data. This operation essentially communicates a server-side mute request from the client, thus
 * indicating a desire to halt packet reception for this media stream.
OdinReturnCode odin_media_stream_pause(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Instructs the server to resume the specified output `OdinMediaStreamHandle`, re-initiating the
 * reception of data. This operation essentially communicates a server-side unmute request from the
 * client, indicating a desire to restart packet reception for this media stream.
OdinReturnCode odin_media_stream_resume(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Sends data to the audio stream. The data has to be interleaved [-1, 1] float data.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_push_data(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream, const float *buf, size_t buf_len);

 * Reads audio data from the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`. This will return audio data in the
 * format specified when calling `odin_startup_ex` or 48 kHz interleaved by default.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_read_data(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream,
                                    float *out_buffer,
                                    size_t out_buffer_len);

 * Returns the number of samples available in the audio buffer of an output `OdinMediaStreamHandle`.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_data_len(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Resets the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle` to its initial state, restoring it to its default
 * configuration. This operation resets the internal Opus encoder/decoder, ensuring a clean state.
 * Additionally, it clears internal buffers, providing a fresh start.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_reset(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream);

 * Retrieves statistics for the specified `OdinMediaStreamHandle`.
 * Note: This will only work for output streams.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_stats(OdinMediaStreamHandle stream, struct OdinAudioStreamStats *stats);

 * Reads up to `out_buffer_len` samples from the given streams and mixes them into the `out_buffer`.
 * All audio streams will be read based on the sample rate you chose when initializing the ODIN runtime
 * so make sure to allocate the buffer accordingly. After the call the `out_buffer_len` will contain
 * the amount of samples that have actually been read and mixed into `out_buffer`.
 * If enabled this will also apply any audio processing to the output stream and feed back required
 * data to the internal audio processing pipeline which requires a final mix.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_mix_streams(OdinRoomHandle room,
                                      const OdinMediaStreamHandle *streams,
                                      size_t stream_count,
                                      float *out_buffer,
                                      size_t out_buffer_len);

 * Processes the reverse audio stream, also known as the loopback data to be used in the ODIN echo
 * canceller. This should only be done if you are _NOT_ using `odin_audio_mix_streams`.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_process_reverse(OdinRoomHandle room, float *buffer, size_t buffer_len);

 * Sets the delay estimate for the reverse stream used in the ODIN echo cancellation. This function
 * is important in scenarios where the audio output and the audio input are not synchronized. An
 * accurate delay value ensures that the echo canceller can correctly align the two audio streams,
 * resulting in effective echo cancellation.
 * Improper delay values may lead to poor echo cancellation and thus degrade the quality of the
 * audio communication.
OdinReturnCode odin_audio_set_stream_delay(OdinRoomHandle room, uint64_t delay_ms);

 * Creates a new ODIN resampler instance. This is intended for situations where your audio pipeline
 * doesn't support 48 kHz.
 * Note: One resampler should be used exclusively per audio stream.
OdinResamplerHandle odin_resampler_create(uint32_t from_rate,
                                          uint32_t to_rate,
                                          uint16_t channel_count);

 * Resamples a single chunk of audio. If the ODIN resampler instance was created with multiple
 * channels, the data is assumed to be interleaved. The `output_capacity` argument also serves as
 * an out parameter when the provided capacity wasn't enough to fulfill the resample request, in
 * which case this function will write the minimum required buffer size into the given variable.
 * On success, the written size for the processed sample is returned in both, the return value
 * and the `output_capacity` out parameter.
OdinReturnCode odin_resampler_process(OdinResamplerHandle resampler,
                                      const float *input,
                                      size_t input_len,
                                      float *output,
                                      size_t *output_capacity);

 * Destroys the given ODIN resampler instance. After this call, all attempts to use this handle
 * will fail.
OdinReturnCode odin_resampler_destroy(OdinResamplerHandle resampler);

 * Creates a new access key crucial for signing tokens, facilitating access to an ODIN server. An
 * access key is a 44-character long Base64 String, embodying a version identifier, random bytes,
 * and a checksum.
OdinReturnCode odin_access_key_generate(char *buf, size_t buf_len);

 * Extracts the key ID from a specified access key. The key ID is embedded in room tokens, enabling
 * the identification of the corresponding public key required for verification.
OdinReturnCode odin_access_key_id(const char *access_key, char *out_key_id, size_t out_key_id_len);

 * Extracts the public key from a specified access key. The public key, derived from the Ed25519
 * curve, must be shared with _4Players_ to enable verification of a generated room token.
OdinReturnCode odin_access_key_public_key(const char *access_key,
                                          char *out_public_key,
                                          size_t out_public_key_len);

 * Extracts the private key from a specified access key. The private key, rooted in the Ed25519
 * curve, is utilized to sign a generated room token for accessing the ODIN network.
OdinReturnCode odin_access_key_secret_key(const char *access_key,
                                          char *out_secret_key,
                                          size_t out_secret_key_len);

 * Creates a new token generator instance.
struct OdinTokenGenerator *odin_token_generator_create(const char *access_key);

 * Destroys an existing token generator instance.
void odin_token_generator_destroy(struct OdinTokenGenerator *generator);

 * Generates a signed JWT, which can be used by an ODIN client to join a room.
OdinReturnCode odin_token_generator_create_token(struct OdinTokenGenerator *generator,
                                                 const char *room_id,
                                                 const char *user_id,
                                                 char *out_token,
                                                 size_t out_token_len);

 * Generates a signed JWT such as `odin_token_generator_create_token` and allows passing a custom
 * set of `OdinTokenOptions` for advanced use-cases.
OdinReturnCode odin_token_generator_create_token_ex(struct OdinTokenGenerator *generator,
                                                    const char *room_id,
                                                    const char *user_id,
                                                    const struct OdinTokenOptions *options,
                                                    char *out_token,
                                                    size_t out_token_len);

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif // __cplusplus