Developer Documentation

My issue is not listed in the FAQs, what should I do?

If you encounter an issue with your project that isn’t covered in our FAQs, here are some troubleshooting steps you can try before looking for further assistance:

  1. Delete Intermediate Folders: This can resolve issues caused by corrupted files. Close Unreal Engine, navigate to your project directory, and delete the Binaries, Build, DerivedDataCache and Intermediate folders. If Odin is installed in the project, navigate to the Plugin directory ([Project Path]/Plugins/Odin) and delete the Binaries and Intermediate folders.
  2. Regenerate Visual Studio Project Files (for C++ projects): Right-click your .uproject file and select “Generate Visual Studio project files”.
  3. Install the Plugin Directly in the Project: We recommend installing the Odin plugin directly in your project. This approach enhances compatibility and ensures that the plugin is included in your source control, making it available to all project members. To install the plugin in your project:
    • Download the latest plugin version for your Unreal Engine version from Odin SDK Unreal Releases.
    • Extract the plugin into your project’s Plugins folder. If this folder does not exist, create it.
    • Restart Unreal Engine and enable the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu.

Further Assistance:

If the issue is still present after following the above steps, you can ask for further assistance through our Discord:

  • Join Our Discord: Join here if you’re not already a member.
  • Post in the Support Channel: Navigate to the #odin-unreal channel and describe your issue. Include the following:
    • A detailed description of the problem.
    • Any relevant screenshots or error logs.
    • The Odin plugin version and the Unreal Engine version used in your project.
    • Steps you have already tried.

Our community and support team will then take a look at your request and help you as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience!

See also

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