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Create a deployment

Creates a new deployment for a specified app. A deployment defines which server configurations (and therefore which images) are being deployed at which location and with how many instances.

Please note

We have a flexible system of selecting locations. In your deployment you provide a country and a city. The system will automatically select the best location for you based on the available locations in the selected country and city.


odin fleet deployments create [--name=IMAGE_NAME] [--deployment-id=DEPLOYMENT_ID][--num-instances= NUM_INSTANCES] [--country=COUNTRY] [--city=CITY] [payload=JSON_PAYLOAD] [--dry-run]


Create a new deployment interactively:

odin fleet deployments create

Create a new deployment with a specific configuration:

odin fleet deployments create --name="US-NYC-Community-Servers" --config-id=123456 --num-instances=5 --country=us 


If you want to create a deployment interactively, you can run the command without any flags. The CLI will prompt you for the required information.

  • --dry-run:
    An optional flag that shows the JSON payload that would be sent to the API without actually creating the image. You can use that payload to create the image with the --payload flag.

  • --payload=<string>:
    An optional flag that allows you to specify a JSON payload to create the image. This is useful for non-interactive mode and if you want to create an image with a specific configuration.

Instead of providing a JSON payload, you can use the following options to create an image:

  • --name=<string>:
    The name of the image. This is a required option to identify the image.
  • --config-id=<number>:
    The ID of the configuration that should be used for the deployment.
  • --num-instances=<number>:
    The number of instances that should be deployed.
  • --country=<string>:
    The country where the deployment should be created.
  • --city=<string>:
    The city where the deployment should be created.

Use the odin fleet locations command to get a list of available locations.

Global Flags

The following flags can be used with any ODIN CLI command:

  • --api-key=<string>
    The API key to use for authentication. If omitted, the CLI will use the api-key stored in the configuration file on your system. Use odin login to store the API key for subsequent commands.

  • --app-id=<string>
    The ID of the app to use for the command. If omitted, the CLI will use the currently selected app. Use odin apps select to select an app interactively.

  • --format=<string>
    The output format to use for the command. Supported formats are json, value, flattened and table. If omitted, the CLI will use the default format specified in the configuration file. Learn more about output formatting.

  • --force
    Forces the command to execute without prompting for confirmation. Use with caution.

  • --quiet
    Suppresses all informational output except for errors. Useful for scripting and automation.