Developer Documentation

Developer resources

Get started developing your social experiences with 4Players.

All you need to build social, real-time experiences based on voice and data.

Unreal Samples

Download our samples and experience spatial 3D audio and other sound effects with friends, family and colleagues.

Unreal Tech Demo
Unreal Tech Demo

Download and test our multiplayer demo built with Unreal Networking and Steam Audio. We provide all the source-code in our Github repository. The sample also features many scripts for audio effects like audio occlusion, ambient effects and general bookkeeping stuff!

Unreal Minimal Samples
Unreal Minimal Samples

This project provides a detailed example of what minimal integration could look like in your project. The straightforward multiplayer sample uses Unreal Networking for synchronization.

Unity Samples

Download our samples and experience spatial 3D audio with friends, family and colleagues.

Open Source
Open Source

Download and test our PUN based multiplayer sample built with Unity. We provide all the source-code in our Github repository. The sample also features many scripts for audio effects like damping and general bookkeeping stuff!

Transport for Mirror Networking
Transport for Mirror Networking

This guide shows how to use the ODIN Transport for Mirror Networking package to provide P2P networking in your Unity games.

First Person Shooter
First Person Shooter

A simple but fun old style shooter on desert style maps. ODIN 3D positional voice is integrated so that you can talk to other players with voice or radio broadcast. Have fun!

Serverside Samples

Take our samples and use them as inspiration to implement serverside features

Token Server
Token Server

A lightweight module to generate API keys and tokens used by 4Players ODIN in a secure environment

Streaming into a room
Streaming into a room

How to stream an audio file into an ODIN room using our NodeJS SDK

Transcribe audio streams
Transcribe audio streams

Transcribe audio streams in real-time. This is useful if you want to build a voice assistant or a chat bot.