We are happy to announce the release of our Unreal SDK 1.6.1. This version brings new features and bugfixes, but also some small API changes.
What’s new in Unreal SDK 1.6.1 compared to 1.5.6 ?
- The Core SDK has been updated to version 1.6.1.
New Features
- Added Pause Playback Media to instruct the server to pause the specified media stream, ceasing the reception of data
- Added Resume Playback Media to instruct the server to resume the specified media stream, re-initiating the reception of data
- Added Get Output Media Peer ID
- Added Set Room APM Stream Delay for scenarios where audio output and input are not synchronized to ensure that the echo canceller can align both streams
API Changes
- Updated Join Room and Update Peer Position to support 3D coordinates
- Removed Update Room User Data (use RoomUpdate RPC on an ODIN gateway instead)
Bugfixes / Improvements
- Fixed build issues and deprecation warnings with Unreal Engine 5.3
- Fixed a potential crash when switching capture devices
- Added functions to allow listening to audio buffer changes in OdinMediaSoundGenerator
- Update default build settings for compatibility with engine versions 4.24 or later
- Updated include path in OdinMediaSoundGenerator
- Fixed an issue where stereo output interfered with the functioning of echo cancellation
- Updated initial APM settings
- Enabled Voice Activity Detection
- Enabled Noise Suppression
- Enabled Gain Controller
- Updated static library format on iOS and macOS for Unreal Engine Marketplace compliance
- Fixed a bug where capture device selection always picked the default device
The Unreal SDK 1.6.1 brings convenience and bandwidth saving features along with many bugfixes and improvements. Upgrade to Unreal SDK 1.6.1 today and benefit from the new improvements in your projects. We look forward to your feedback and to continually refining our SDKs for your needs.
- Download Odin Voice SDK 1.6.1
- ODIN SDK @ Unreal Marketplace (update available soon!)
- Join our Discord
- Read the Documentation